An Overview of Group Drop-Ins

Group drop-ins allow your students to choose which classes they want to "drop-in" to!

Group drop-ins can be added to a group billing plan which will allow your students to drop into whichever classes on the schedule they choose! However, you can set the parameters of these drop-ins including max number allowed per class, reserve limit, etc.


Check out our overview video below:


Step 1: Add a group plan from the plan builder and select "allow drop in":


Step 2: Book Plans for students

You can then book your students into the group (with this billing plan) directly from the schedule or they can join via the widget/registration page.

Note: if you don't want to charge, simply make the group plan $0 which will allow it to be FREE.  However, for tracking purposes, you will need to add a custom payment type called something like "no charge" so that you can go into the transaction on the payment report linked to this billing plan and mark it as "paid" (so it is not open and processing). 


Step 3: Now Students can "reserve" a spot in the class from the schedule into the group (whether on desktop or app), or the teacher can "quick add" them when taking attendance: 


What is the difference between "max # allowed for registration", "max # allowed in class", and "reserve limit"?