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Navigating the Store and Store Builder

An overview look at the store and store builder in TeacherZone

  • Building your school's store:

1. First, go to your store builder:


2. The store builder is where you can add the items you would like to have available for purchase or rent. This can include school merch, instruments, gear - really, anything you'd like to list! 

Note: the "Store Builder" page is also where you will manage the items in your store (i.e., edit prices, edit quantities, delete items)


  • To add a discount to store items, edit the price of the item in the store to reflect the discounted amount:

  • You can charge students for items purchased via the student edit>book store item:

Tip: create a "Retail Purchases" student account for purchases from those that are not students/don't have a TeacherZone account. This way, you can easily charge them for the purchase, and keep track of what has been sold

  • You can also allow students to make their own purchases via the store widget - find an article regarding that here.
    • The store widget can be allowed to populate on your website or within the student apps. Either embed the widget onto your school's site, and/or check/uncheck the box beneath preferences to allow this to show on the student app:

      For the apps:

      For the website: