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How to Override the TeacherZone Placeholder Video on Assignments

How to remove/override the placeholder video when uploading files ONLY (i.e., documents and PDFs).

If you choose to assign lessons from courses or our YouTube API, the actual videos in that lesson will be displayed. However, if you only assign "files" (such as documents or PDFs), the TeacherZone logo will appear as a placeholder for the video. To override the TeacherZone video, you can create your own and assign it accordingly.

  • Make your own video as placeholder:
    • To create your placeholder video, add it as a course/lesson, share it with your school, and then approve it. This way, all teachers can easily search for and use it as needed.  

Note: Ensure that the course/lesson name is clear and easily searchable for teachers when assigning it as the placeholder.


1.  First, login as a teacher account - many schools create a teacher account with the name of their school for this type of content sharing  

- Add a course for your placeholder and have the first lesson be whatever video you wish to use:



2.  Next, assign this video anytime you are NOT assigning from courses/lessons and only uploading files:



3.  Congrats! Now your video will show for the student and TeacherZone's video will not show: