An Overview of the Proration Feature

The "proration" feature within TeacherZone is extremely useful when you have students sign up for lessons mid-month or mid-billing cycle.

  •  This is how to use proration:
    • From the weekly schedule, find the lesson on the schedule > edit > book plan:
    • or do this when booking a NEW student:


    • Begin attaching the desired billing plan to the students lesson and choose start date for plan to bill. You can set the "start date" of the recurring billing plan to match up with the next billing cycle.
      • For example, Jonny is signing up for lessons mid-month. Set his recurring billing date to hit the first of next month. So if today is 1/17, I would set the start date of regular plan to be billed starting 2/1.


    • Next, if you would like to charge them for lessons they have taken during the first parts of the same month that they signed up, plug the price you would like to charge them in the "proration" section.
      • For example, the normal monthly rate for lessons is $300. Jonny signed up halfway through the month so he only owes $150. Put that price in the "proration" section and choose the "charge date" of the date you'd like to collect that prorated amount:


    • Once the billing plan is booked, proration attached, select "save." You can view the proration charge going through in the payment report: