Registration Options under Plan Builder

Explaining the different registration options beneath the plan builder!


When enrolling a new student through widgets and registration pages, there are four options to choose from regarding how you want the billing plans to be handled from this point:


  • Registration Only: By choosing "Registration Only", no billing plan will be created, allowing for registration and agreement to contracts without the need to consider plan options. Whatever selection is made in the plan builder will not be applicable when this option is chosen. There are two options with this selection:
    • "Registration Only" with no credit card collected - if you don't select a payment type then none will be required
    • "Registration Only" with credit card Selection - If you select a payment type "Credit/Debit Card" then we'll collect their credit card upon registration with no plan required.
  • Bill Immediately: This option will bill the billing plan upon registration and that will also be the recurring date.
  • Bill on First Lesson Date: This option means that the first payment will start processing on the day of the very first lesson in the future and that will also be the recurring date.
  • Start Date Next Month: This option will allow you to choose the date next month that the first payment will start and that will also be the recurring date. 
    • For instance, if you choose "1st", then the start date for the monthly billing will be the 1st of the next month and recur on the first thereafter.  


Note: If you need to charge a registration fee or proration, you can adjust the plan by going to the student's profile, selecting "Edit", and then choosing "Payments". After the student has registered, you can modify the plan by adding a one-time fee or proration amount. If there is no specific date set, the charges will be processed immediately. However, if you set a date, the charges will occur on the chosen date.