Tri-tech AIMsi Mapping Utility Inside the POS

  • Access your AIMsi/Tri-tech Portal/POS Terminal that is Active E-enabled.
  • When logging in, you will encounter a grid displaying unlinked customers with a "Link" button (located in the middle form). By clicking this button, you will be directed to Tri-Tech's standard Customer Link module (found in the top form).
  • Within this module, you have the option to:
    • Match the customer by conducting searches based on names, emails, addresses, and phone numbers (bottom form).
    • Locate an existing customer to link to themselves through the regular search customer form.
    • Add a new customer using the standard Add Customer form, which may come pre-populated with relevant information.
  • Once all desired customers have been linked, you can close the grid. Tri-Tech will then transmit the TZ IDs and AIM IDs of the linked customers to your API (once an endpoint is established):