Using Front Desk Check In

Students can search their name and check in when they arrive!

Within the school app, you have the option to activate the "front desk check-in". This feature enables students to conveniently search for their name and check in upon arrival, automatically marking them as "attended" for their scheduled private lesson or group class.

  • Navigate to the school login section and access your preferences to activate the option that allows students to check in upon their arrival:

Note: This will also enable students to check in on their own app - see here!


check in


  • To restrict the times when students and teachers can check in, simply select the option "Only mark Attended before 30 minutes". This setting will ensure that the check-in function is only available for attendance within 30 minutes before a lesson, preventing students and staff from marking their attendance for future sessions prematurely:

only mark


Note: Administrators can verify that the student has checked in by refreshing the "recent activities" section or clicking the refresh button on the daily view of the schedule, where lessons will turn green when marked "attended".


check in refresh