How to Search Specific Transactions in the Merchant Gateway

An overview look on how to find a transaction ID in TeacherZone, and how to search for it in the merchant gateway!

Here, we provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions on how to locate a transaction ID within TeacherZone, as well as how to search for it in the merchant gateway:

  1. First, find the transaction in the payment report in TeacherZone - click on the student's name to open up the transaction details:
  2. Next, find the transaction ID above the payment details. Click "copy" next to these numbers:

  3. Then, log into the merchant gateway (here is a link to that page!). Your credentials were given to you at the time of your initial merchant application, during the onboarding process:

    Note: if you don't have access to your login credentials, please contact ECS - here is more information on how to do so.
  4. Once you're logged into the merchant gateway, you can paste the copied transaction ID from step #2 into the search bar at the top: 

And that's it! Once you've searched the transaction ID in the merchant gateway, you will be able to click into that transaction and view further details, as well as have access to resending/printing receipts (though you can resend receipts in TeacherZone too 😉). 


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An Overview of Fees on Billing Declines

TeacherZone Accounting Basics