An Overview of the Student Report

Our student report is your one-stop-shop for exporting student data!

Our "student report" allows you to sort and select which fields you want to view and export.  Within the exported CSV/Excel spreadsheet, you can also sort data and delete anything unwanted!

  1. Click "reporting" from on the left-hand sidfe of the dashboard:
  2. Click "student report":
  3. Choose the search parameters and view the information or export to a CSV file:

Note: student reports are for an overview of what is happening with each student. For a more detailed picture of each individual, please see our payment and attendance reports where you can view retention reports and so much more!

  • You may also select what information is pulled by hovering over any arrow and checking/unchecking the data columns you'd like to see:

Find our other articles regarding reporting below:

Payment report

Attendance report

Audit reports